Monday - Friday
8:45 - 4:30
861 Asbury Ave.
Ocean City, New Jersey

Historic Preservation Commission

All meetings are held at 6 p.m.
Please check agenda for meeting location.

It is the responsibility of the Commission to:

a. Identify, record and maintain a system to survey and inventory all building sites, places, landmarks and structures of historical or architectural significance, based on the "Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines for Archeology and Historic Preservation" and Guidelines for Identification) and to aid the public in understanding their worth, methods of preservation, techniques of gathering documentation and related matters;

b. Make recommendations to the Planning Board and City Council in the preparation and periodic updating of the Historic Preservation Element of the Master Plan;

c. Make recommendations to the Planning Board and City Council on the historic preservation implications of any plan element of the Master Plan which has been or may be adopted;

d. Recommend to the City Council sites and districts to be designated as part of the local historic district;

e. Advise the Planning Board and Board of Adjustment on development and zoning applications for properties in the local historic district;

f. Review all permit applications affecting the designated historic district and sites, and provide written reports to the Administrative Officer;

g. Provide advisory, educational, and informational services to promote historic preservation in the City;

h. Draft and recommend to City Council and the Planning Board ordinances or amendments to existing ordinances that would resolve any conflicts which may exist between the design standards of the Historic Preservation Ordinance and the building or zoning regulations of the City;

i. Advise City Council and the Planning Board on the relative merits of proposals involving public funds to restore, preserve and protect historic buildings, places and structures including the preparation of long range plans therefore, securing State, Federal and other grants and aid to assist therein and to monitor such projects once underway;

j. Advise and assist City officers, employees, Boards and other bodies including those at the County, State and Federal levels on all matters which have potential impact on the historic buildings, places,

structures and districts in the City or on the physical character and ambience of a district;

k. To cooperate with local, County, State or National historical societies, governmental bodies and organizations to maximize the contributions to the intent and purposes of historic preservation;

l. To recommend to applicable County, State and Federal agencies, where appropriate, and with City Council approval recognition of historic districts;

m. To recommend to applicable County, State and Federal agencies, where appropriate, recognition of historic buildings, landmarks, places and structures and to review National Register nominations;

n. To request the City Council to seek on its motion or otherwise injunctive relief for violations of the historic preservation provisions of the local zoning ordinate.

Membership: The commission consists of seven (7) regular members and two (2) alternates appointed by the Mayor.

Terms: Two (2), three (3) or four (4) years.

Historic Preservation Commission FAQs

115 East 12th Street
Ocean City, NJ 08226




Terri L. Ney, Recording Secretary

Historic Preservation Commission
Paper Applications & Forms
