Please check agenda for meeting location. This schedule is subject to change when and if changes are necessary. Purpose: In accordance with the New Jersey Municipal Land Use Law, the Zoning Board of Adjustment is responsible for:
1. Hearing appeals from decisions of an administrative official related to development applications. 2. Hearing applications for relief from provisions of the local zoning ordinance.
Membership: City Council appoints seven (7) Regular Members and two (2) Alternate Members. Regular Member appointments are four year terms and Alternate Member appointments are two year terms.
Zoning Board FAQs
Address: 115 East 12th Street Ocean City, NJ 08226
12/31/23 Michael Buck, Chairperson 12/31/23 Richard Waddell, Vice Chairperson 12/31/21 Ryan Price 12/31/21 Peter Patrizzi 12/31/22 Brian Geary 12/31/24 Brian Logue 12/31/24 Phillip “Jamie” DeMarco